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How Much Physical Activity Do Seniors Need?

An older adult kneeling over to trim a plant while gardening to help stay active.

Staying active is key to living a healthier, more independent life as you age. But how much physical activity do seniors really need? Seniors should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, though this depends a bit on personal abilities and goals. Regular movement—whether it’s walking, stretching, or strength training—can make a […]

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10 Benefits of Assisted Living

A nurse talks with a group of seniors in an assisted living community to ensure their needs are being met

Watching someone you care deeply about struggle with their daily needs might leave you wondering if there’s a better solution that ensures their happiness, safety, and quality of life while relieving some of your stress as a caregiver.   Assisted living can provide that solution. These communities are specifically designed to offer older adults personalized care, […]

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What Do Most Assisted Living Communities Provide?

An older adult and a caregiver holding hands and smiling at the camera in a common area of their assisted living community.

Assisted living communities are welcoming homes for older adults who are looking for additional support. These communities create a vibrant lifestyle through a blend of professional care and independence. If your older loved one wants to maintain their independence but needs some help with everyday tasks, assisted living can be an excellent option. Assisted living […]

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Safety Measures To Prevent Falls in Seniors

A senior tightly grips a stainless steel bathroom hand bar.

Falls are one of the leading causes of injury for seniors, and many falls can be prevented with the proper safety measures in place. Removing tripping hazards, installing handrails, and physical activity are just a few ways to help your loved one stay safe in their home.  Whether your parent lives independently or in a […]

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How To Prevent Caregiver Burnout

Stressed young caregiver sitting beside an elderly woman

Caregiver burnout is a serious issue that affects many individuals who provide care for their elderly loved ones. This condition occurs when caregivers become overwhelmed physically, emotionally, and mentally due to the demands of caregiving. It can lead to feelings of exhaustion, stress, resentment, and guilt. While it may seem inevitable for caregivers to experience […]

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Caregiver Support: How Assisted Living Eases the Burden

Caregiver supporting senior resident when taking her for walk with walker in park in summer.

Having a loved one who needs constant care and attention can be physically, emotionally, and financially draining for caregivers. The responsibility of being a caregiver often falls on family members without any formal training or experience in providing care. This can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and even resentment towards the person needing care. Assisted living […]

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